Biggest issues, hottest trends at IHS 2017

September 28, 2017

The hotel industry’s biggest issues and hottest trends will be put under the spotlight at this year’s Independent Hotel Show in partnership with James Hallam.

Returning for its sixth year at Olympia London, the Show on 17th and 18th October will provide a hotbed of ideas and inspiration for those working in the hotel industry.

Thought-provoking and inspiring seminars will take place over both days in three areas: The Business Theatre, The Innovation Stage and Gymnasium for The Mind by Shape with more than 100 hotel professionals speaking in 30 seminars and workshops covering areas such as design, recruitment, technology, marketing and health and well-being.

On Wednesday 18th October head to the Innovation Stage to find out about the latest design innovations in Design Forum 2107 before visiting Gymnasium for The Mind to hear Hotel Designs editor Daniel Fountain and fellow experts discuss how technology is shaping design.

The show embraces this year’s strongest design trends: natural and individual combined with clever lighting.

Benedict Wilhelm, who is designing the Show’s main networking area – The Lobby – this year, says hotel design now includes a stronger emphasis on combining more tactile, natural, raw materials with carefully designed details.

Harriet Forde, founder of Harriet Forde Design, who will create a live version of The Perfect Hotel Bedroom – a new feature for this year – agrees that the use of natural materials as well as clever lighting have become an integral part of hotel bedroom design.

“Lighting… can make a huge difference to the ambience of a bedroom,” she says. “Meanwhile, natural materials in hotel accommodation is increasing, with wooden floors gaining popularity as well as the use of marble and coloured glass.”

Other hotel trends highlighted and discussed in more detail at #IHS17 include an emphasis on sourcing more local produce, personalised marketing, mindfulness and smarter staffing.

To register to attend the Independent Hotel Show 2017, visit

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Small-Bedroom Decorating Ideas for When Your Bed Takes Up the Whole Damn Room

September 26, 2017

A minuscule budget plus a big, expensive city equals finding out the true meaning of a tiny bedroom: one that barely fits your bed—literally. Your mattress probably touches the walls on either end, and the idea of a dresser in there at the same time is laughable. This is not the time for tears, though; it's the time for creative thinking. The charming but space-challenged bedroom in this Swedish apartment, recently available for sale through the real estate agency Lundin Fastighetsbyrå, is chock-full of nifty design ideas that make the room not just livable but enjoyable. That's right, follow suit and you might actually want to spend quality time in what would elsewhere be considered a closet.

This Swedish bedroom is probably bigger than yours, so don't think you're going to be able to fit a desk any time soon. Actually, we advise you get rid of furniture, stat. Your nightstand is a waste of space when you have a window in your room with a perfectly good sill for perching your phone, your latest read, and a glass of water.

We know, this is turning into a Marie Kondo expedition, but those light fixtures are only going to take up the tiny bit of floor space you do have. (You don't have a nightstand anymore anyways.) Instead, choose a sconce to hang on the wall above your bed, ideally one with a swinging arm that can be adjusted to direct light downwards (for reading) or into the rest of the room (for dance parties, etcetera). If you're partial to pendant lights, one of those would work too.

Between the hours of midnight and 7 A.M., your mattress is for sleeping. The rest of the time, arrange the pillows against the wall so it becomes a makeshift daybed for lounging and working on your laptop. If you happen to have some room, a small-scale coffee table makes this setup even more convincing.

The more stuff you put on the floor—like, say, a potted fern—the more claustrophobic your bedroom is going to feel. So, to get greenery into your space, think vertically. Hang a planter on the wall or from the ceiling and fill it with low-maintenance air plants or succulents.

See that mirror in the left corner of the photo? Along the bottom is a cute little shelf, just wide enough for keys, sunglasses, and your wallet. It's basically a teeny-tiny console table for your bedroom. We like this minimalist design in particular.

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Outrageously expensive things for those who have nowhere to do with money. Photo

September 26, 2017

Возмутительно дорогие вещи для тех, кому некуда девать деньги. ФотоSeveral options for the richest.

They say, the avaricious pays twice. But it always makes sense to buy very expensive products, especially if its functions are no different from cheap?

We offer to your attention a selection of outrageously expensive things that will surprise even those who used to throw money to the wind.

18. The cradle in the form of eggs, $ 20 000 000

Возмутительно дорогие вещи для тех, кому некуда девать деньги. Фото

Price of the cradle from the Spanish designer Ximo of Talamantes, in General, is justified: it is entirely made of 24-carat gold. But for those who can’t afford a cradle for $ 20 million a model is easier — from 18-carat gold “only” $ 220 000.

17. Stainless steel watch, $ 11 317 945

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If the first item in our collection, everything is clear, then this watch from Patek Philippe there are many questions, because they are made of stainless steel. But that price was no excuse: the fact that hours of the series, released in 1943, in the world there are only 4 pieces.

16. Gold Bicycle, $ 393 000

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Bike for the price of the car? Perhaps this offer will suit those who are tired of the Italian supercars, but still wants to stand out on the road. As says the manufacturer of the bike by Goldgenie, the one made entirely from 24-carat gold including the chain and the little details.

15. Ruby smartphone $ 360 000

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Another super expensive gadget from Vertu is decorated with a pair of diamond and ruby Cobra with emerald eyes and in the set it’s attached to a piece of jewelry. It is not surprising that the device is delivered to its buyer by mail or courier service, and the special helicopter.

14. Golden Domino, $ 153 000

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You probably need to be a true fan of the game of dominoes to acquire a set of fully gold tiles, decorated with diamonds. The manufacturers of the kit, the German company Manufaktur Lieb and Veridor believe that their Domino will not appreciate those who would like to combine the game with the contemplation of beauty.

13. A precious bottle with a nipple, of $ 136 000

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Another mind-blowing for the price and appearance the product from Talamantes. According to the designer, to create bottles of white and rose gold was inspired by Russian nesting dolls.

12. Golden iPhone, $ 70 000

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Apple themselves are not cheap, but for those who can afford more available version of gold, platinum and even meteorite iron, decorated with diamonds.

11. Bath-hammock, covered with gold, $ 63 000

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Fill this tub is offered from the outdoor tap, and emptied through a hole in the floor directly into the sewer. Perhaps this is not the most convenient option, but as a harmonious look.

10. The most expensive pacifier in the world, $ 35 658

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Those who have already got the Golden cradle and the bottle certainly will not deny myself such a “trifle”, as a pacifier from the same designer. Moreover, unlike ordinary nipple, it can be inherited.

9. Jewelry for eyes, $ 15 590

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Indian designers have surprised us in gold shirts, and now came the turn contact lenses. The manufacturer claims that the gold coating and diamonds are not in contact with the cornea and does not prevent the penetration of oxygen.

8. Skateboard covered with gold, $ 15 000

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Skateboard by designer Matthew Willet, weighing 80 percent more than usual because of its gold coating. Despite this feature, the Board is completely working.

7. Wrist maze, $ 12 300

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Good old toy in the shape of a wristwatch will be appreciated by those who are already bored with electronic games. Golden labyrinth with platinum bead looks good as a decoration and will distract not worse smartphone.

6. Gold headphones encrusted with diamonds, $ 9 995

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According to Brikk, these headphones are ideal for musicians, audiophiles and gold iPhones, the cases for which are also produced by this company.

5. Toothbrush with 5-year guarantee, $ 3 802

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The life of an ordinary toothbrush lasts no longer than a couple of months, but the company Reinast claims that their titanium brush can last from 5 to 11 years with regular replacement of bristles, which are sold in kit. And for a fee on the brush will cause it engraved with your name.

4. Balenciaga bag, very similar to the IKEA bag, $ 2 200

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Who would have thought that shopping bags from IKEA will appear on the Deluxe version? It is usually expensive copy of the product, not Vice versa. However, the Swedish company feels flattered that a brand like Balenciaga found inspiration in their products.

3. Chocolate bar, $ 260

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Cocoa beans for this chocolate are grown on the outlying farms of Ecuador. There they gather with 130 years of cocoa trees, and the whole process of making chocolate from harvesting to packaging consists of 36 stages.

2. Golden sugar, $ 120 for 3 dice

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Sugar from the British company Firebox is no different from regular sugar, not including coating of 24-carat edible gold. The product is available to use for brightening coffee, cocktails and other beverages and also for decorating desserts.

1. Chips, $ 56 for 5 pieces

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The world’s most expensive chips are made by the Swedish brewery S:t Eriks. Price justify ingredients: matsutake mushrooms, truffle seaweed, Royal dill, leksands onions and wort Indian pale-ale. Potatoes for chips are grown and harvested by hand in the village of Ammarnas in Northern Sweden.

Bonus: the toilet in the form of an Apple

Возмутительно дорогие вещи для тех, кому некуда девать деньги. Фото

The iPoo toilet by designer from new York Michael Paripovic exists only on paper. But we have no doubt that if he actually sold it for him, as for the other products Apple has lined up the queue, despite the high price.

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Small Bedroom Decorating Ideas for When Your Bed Takes Up the Whole Damn Room

September 26, 2017

A minuscule budget plus a big, expensive city equals finding out the true meaning of a tiny bedroom: one that barely fits your bed—literally. Your mattress probably touches the walls on either end, and the idea of a dresser in there at the same time is laughable. This is not the time for tears, though, it's the time for creative thinking. The charming but space challenged bedroom in this Swedish apartment, recently available for sale through the real-estate agency Lundin Fastighetsbyrå, is chock-full of nifty design ideas that make the room not just livable, but enjoyable. That's right, follow suit and you might actually want to spend quality time in what would elsewhere be considered a closet.

This Swedish bedroom is probably bigger than yours, so don't think you're going to be able to fit a desk any time soon. Actually, we advise you get rid of furniture, stat. Your nightstand is a waste of space when you have a window in your room with a perfectly good sill for perching your phone, your latest read, and a glass of water.

We know, this is turning into a Marie Kondo expedition, but those light fixtures are only going to take up the tiny bit of floor space you do have. (You don't have a nightstand anymore anyways.) Instead, choose a sconce to hang on the wall above your bed, ideally one with a swinging arm that can be adjusted to direct light downwards (for reading) or into the rest of the room (for dance parties, etcetera). If you're partial to pendant lights, one of those would work too.

Between the hours of midnight and 7a.m., your mattress is for sleeping. The rest of the time, arrange the pillows against the wall so it becomes a makeshift day bed for lounging and working on your laptop. If you happen to have some room, a small-scale coffee table makes this setup even more convincing.

The more stuff you put on the floor—like, say, a potted fern—the more claustrophobic your bedroom is going to feel. So, to get greenery into your space, think vertically. Hang a planter on the wall or from the ceiling and fill it with low-maintenance air plants or succulents.

See that mirror in the left corner of the photo? Along the bottom is a cute little shelf, just wide enough for keys, sunglasses, and your wallet. It's basically a teeny-tiny console table for your bedroom. We like this minimalist design in particular.

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Milano Lakes on schedule despite Hurricane Irma

September 23, 2017

In spite of the wind and rain brought by Hurricane Irma, Milano Lakes is still on schedule for opening to occupants in the first quarter of 2018. Milano Lakes is a new apartment community being developed by FL Star off Collier Boulevard at The Lords Way in South Naples.

"We took the obvious precautions in the days before the storm hit," said Gary Hains, vice president of FL Star Development, developers of the apartment community. "We secured the remaining loose building materials and completed what we were able to do to close in the buildings. Fortunately, our construction crew keeps a clean site, so it made preparations easier."

Progress on the community has been steady, Hains noted, in spite of several natural near disasters in the south Naples area.

"We can paraphrase the saying 'neither rain, nor wind nor fire' in the case of construction here," Hains said. "The wild fires that scorched the area in April were on the periphery south of our site, and we, like the rest of Naples, have been dealing with the ongoing rain. It is a tribute to our construction crew that they’ve maintained a good pace. And when it came to Hurricane Irma, they completed all the preparations quickly and efficiently."

Located on a 23-acre site, Milano Lakes will include 296 apartment homes in eight buildings offering one-, two- and three-bedroom floor plans. Within the community, 96 detached garages are planned.

Occupants will be able to choose from four floor plans, ranging from a one-bedroom design with 808 air-conditioned square feet and 889 total square feet to a three-bedroom apartment with 1,439 air-conditioned square feet and 1,545 total square feet. Each unit will include laundry facilities, a master suite with a walk-in closet and dual sinks in the master bath, an island kitchen with a dining area and a lanai.

Amenities at Milano Lakes include a 5,488-square-foot clubhouse that reflects the influence of Mediterranean architecture and will be the centerpiece of social gatherings in the community. Facilities include a resort-style swimming pool and a fitness center. A children’s playground is planned to round out the amenities.

Milano Lakes is being developed by an affiliate of FL Star, a conglomerate of real estate entities led by Gary Hains and David E. Torres.

Other projects by FL Star include Sapphire Cove, a new community of single-family homes off Collier Boulevard in Naples, and Arrowhead Reserve, a community of single-family homes in Immokalee.

FL Star also provides management services for commercial and industrial buildings for real estate owners and condominium associations including maintenance, collection of rents and financial reporting.

For information about Milano Lakes Apartments, contact Gary Hains, Lords Way Apartments LLC by email at

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16 Clever Designer Solutions to the Most Common Small-Space Conundrums

September 22, 2017

An old home with a lack of square footage might feel limiting to some, but the 900-square-foot, 1900s-era Sunset Smart Cottage proves any space can be transformed with strategic decorating and innovative home gadgets. Even the interior design concept for the cottage involved an emerging tech trend: virtual interior design services. Sunset tapped designers Jessica McCarthy and Emily Gaydon from Decorist, a virtual decorating service that offers a fresh approach to the design and remodeling process. "Online services such as Decorist are often budget friendly and more accessible to the masses. We liked the idea that users can get matched up with designers based on their personal style and goals and can work through the process over email, FaceTime, and even texts," says Sunset home editor Chantal Lamers.

So what exactly was the design strategy behind this tiny tech oasis? POPSUGAR caught up with Decorist designer Jessica McCarthy to get her insights on the smartest solutions for living large in a small home. Read on to discover the optical illusions and space-planning secrets she used in every room!

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16 Clever Designer Solutions to the Most Common Small-Space Conundrums

September 22, 2017

An old home with a lack of square footage might feel limiting to some, but the 900-square-foot, 1900s-era Sunset Smart Cottage proves any space can be transformed with strategic decorating and innovative home gadgets. Even the interior design concept for the cottage involved an emerging tech trend: virtual interior design services. Sunset tapped designers Jessica McCarthy and Emily Gaydon from Decorist, a virtual decorating service that offers a fresh approach to the design and remodeling process. "Online services such as Decorist are often budget friendly and more accessible to the masses. We liked the idea that users can get matched up with designers based on their personal style and goals and can work through the process over email, FaceTime ,and even texts," says Sunset home editor Chantal Lamers.

So what exactly was the design strategy behind this tiny tech oasis? POPSUGAR caught up with Decorist designer Jessica McCarthy to get her insights on the smartest solutions for living large in a small home. Read on to discover the optical illusions and space-planning secrets she used in every room!

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No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas

September 21, 2017

Avoid the stick and ick with some creative ways to decorate pumpkins that don't require a knife.


What do you do with the pumpkin after Halloween is over?

The good news with a no-carve pumpkin is that it stays fresh longer. But once Halloween has passed, it's time to move on and make room for other seasonal decorations. So how are you supposed to get rid of the pumpkin, and how do you do so safely? If glue or paint was involved in the decorating of a pumpkin, it would be best to sliver off those parts with a knife before using the rest of the pumpkin for eating or composting. Since the pumpkin was never cut into, the inside should still be okay to eat and use for seasonal recipes. To compost correctly, pumpkins should first be broken into pieces. The pieces should then be left in a shady part of the yard and covered with leaves or wood chips. Compost should develop after a few weeks. It's important to note that the seeds should be removed before composting or else pumpkins will take over the lawn. Local farms could also benefit from your pumpkin leftovers. "You can donate the pumpkin to a farm that has cows and goats - they love eating them," says Susan Sternberg of Natureworks in Northford.

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3 dreamy settings for blissful bedrooms

September 21, 2017
21st Sep 17 | Lifestyle

Snuggle up in new surroundings.

It’s time to ‘nest’ as the temperature drops, and transform your bedroom – the room in the house where you can truly retreat and relax – into a cosy but stylish sanctuary.

After all, this is the place where we start and finish our day. We spend a third of our lives in bed – so it deserves special attention.

Whether you dream of a glamorous setting, a luxurious hotel-style bedroom, or would simply like a quick update, here’s everything you need to know…

1. Glamorous sanctuary

Odeon plush velvet bed frame, from £ 1,175; Krystal 3-drawer white glass and mirror bedside chest, £585; silver ceramic pineapple table lamp, £35; aubergine fur throw, £199; Barker & Stonehouse (Barker & Stonehouse/PA)
Odeon Plush Velvet Bed Frame, from £ 1,175; Krystal 3 Drawer White Glass And Mirror Chest, £585; Silver Ceramic Pineapple Table Lamp, £35; Aubergine Faux Fur Throw, £199, Barker & Stonehouse (Barker & Stonehouse/PA)

“Creating a glamorous look is all about using rich, decadent colours and textured fabrics,” says Samantha Parish, interior design manager for bespoke beds and mattress specialists, Hypnos.

“Conjure a warm and inviting colour palette with champagne hues, subtle pinks, purples and plums. Combine textures such as satin, velvet and faux fur, key to creating a luxurious, romantic feel.

“For a contemporary vibe, dress a bed with white bed linen and a velvet throw, and add an eclectic mix of cushions. In any style of bedroom, the bed should always take centre stage. For a more feminine interpretation, add art deco-style mirrored furniture and on-trend metallic accents, lamps and accessories.”

Tip: For smaller rooms, avoid heavy patterns and dark colours, as they’ll look too busy, while at the other end of the scale, larger rooms shouldn’t be too minimalist, as they can look cold.

Get The Look

(clockwise from left) Arthouse Kyasha butterfly embroidered cushion, £20, Wallpaper Direct; Venetian mirrored dressing table, £441, Sweetpea & Willow; Humphrey copper & black wall light, £125, The French Bedroom Company;Ernest velvet stool, £280, The French Bedroom Company (WallpaperDirect/Sweetpea & Willow/The French Bedroom Company/PA)
Arthouse Kyasha Butterfly Cushion, £20, Wallpaper Direct; Venetian Dressing Table, £441, Sweetpea & Willow; Humphrey Copper & Black Wall Light, £125, The French Bedroom Company; Ernest Velvet Stool, £280, The French Bedroom Company (WallpaperDirect/Sweetpea & Willow/The French Bedroom Company/PA)

2. Hotel style

Chester upholstered bed frame, £1,265, Furniture Village (Furniture Village/PA)
Chester Upholstered Bed Frame, £1,265, Furniture Village (Furniture Village/PA)

“A boutique hotel-style bedroom is a hugely popular choice and this crisp, smart look appeals particularly to couples who want a style that suits both their tastes, and is neither overtly feminine nor macho,”  says Samantha.

“Colour is key in creating a haven of rest, so look at palettes you’re both drawn to. If you can’t agree on which shade, opt for something pale – like a soft grey or off-white hue – that provides a neutral backdrop.

“Enhance the mood and ambience with carefully considered lighting, such as task lighting for bedtime reading on either side of the bed. We offer Zip & Link beds, (£1,722 for Zip & Link mattress; £2,289 for Zip & Link mattress and bed set), ideal for couples who have different preferences. This type of bed is made up of two mattresses with different comfort levels, which can be used together or separated into two singles.”

Tip: Dare to go for a paler carpet, as this is normally a ‘low-traffic’ area and hopefully, where people don’t wear shoes. Neutrals or greys will work with most schemes, and carpet is warmer underfoot.

Get the look

(clockwise from left) Marble reversible double duvet set, £12, George Home; Grey chunky pom pom throw, £50, Dunelm; Carrara pair of scatter cushions, £55, Furniture Village; Knitted pouffe, £25, George Home. (George Home; Dunelm/Furniture Village/PA)
Marble Reversible Double Duvet Set, £12, George Home; Grey Chunky Pom Pom Throw, £50, Dunelm; Carrara Pair Of Scatter Cushions, £55, Furniture Village; Knitted Pouffe, £25, George Home. (George Home/Dunelm/Furniture Village/PA)

3. Boudoir on a budget

Colonial Charm range: mirrored screen, £120; ceramic gold plates from £9-£15; faux cheese plant leaf team, £1.49; (chair) Chenille throw, petrol blue, £16; Valentina velvet duvet set, from £34-58; two tone teal sequin cushion, £10; pineapple foil cushion, £20; velvet bedspread, teal, from £65, Dunelm (Dunelm/PA)
Colonial Charm range: Mirrored Screen, £120; Ceramic Gold Plates, from £9-£15; Artificial Cheese Plant Leaf, £1.49; Chenille Throw, Petrol Blue (chair), £16; Valentina Teal Duvet Set, from £34-58; Two-Tone Teal Sequin Cushion, £10; Pineapple Foil Cushion, £20; Velvet Bedspread, Teal, from £65, Dunelm (Dunelm/PA)

“Autumn’s the perfect time to put a stylish twist on your bedroom’s design. For a simple and easy way to rejuvenate the look of your space, consider changing a headboard,” suggests Samantha.

“A tall, winged headboard gives a room the ‘wow’ factor and completely transforms its aesthetic into something sophisticated and special. Or opt for a simple metal or wooden one, if you don’t want the bed to dominate.

“Dress a bed with throws and cushions in a new colour scheme – deep blues, teal and indigo are in fashion. This colour could be used to paint a feature wall behind the bed, or take the shade over the walls and ceiling for a cosy, cosseting feel.

“Even a basic makeover can make a difference. Focus on decluttering and tidying surfaces – too many visual distractions can make it hard to relax and sleep. Change bedside lamps or just replace drawer handles and curtain ties with more decorative items. All these can make a surprising difference to the room’s atmosphere and appeal, and all for a minimal cost.”

Bag a bargain at Furniture Village (main image), which has an upholstered winged Tempur Holcot Ottoman Bed Frame (kingsize) for only £995. Accessorise with its Velour Cushions, £39 each, and a Cera Mustard Table Lamp, £119.

Tip: If you’re space-starved, consider fitted furniture, which can create up to three times more storage space than freestanding pieces, as it can be tailored to precisely fit the room.

Get the Look

(Clockwise from left) Positano armchair, Wedgewood blue, £199.99, My Furniture; Sapphire embroidered cushion, currently reduced from £55 to £35, Sweetpea & Willow; 5A Fifth Avenue Milan navy cut table lamp, £55, Dunelm; Tahlee palm leaf design uplighter, £22 Dunelm; Avant-garde knurled knob, in silver, bronze or brass, £8.99, Dowsing & Reynolds (My Furniture/ Sweetpea & Willow/ Dunelm/Dowsing & Reynolds/PA)
Positano Lounge Armchair, Wedgewood Blue, £199.99, My Furniture; Sapphire Embroidered Cushion, currently reduced from £55 to £35, Sweetpea & Willow; 5A Fifth Avenue Milan Navy Cut Glass Table Lamp, £55, Dunelm; Tahlee Palm Leaf Uplighter, £22, Dunelm; Avant-garde Knurled Knob, in Silver, Bronze or Brass, £8.99, Dowsing & Reynolds (My Furniture/Sweetpea & Willow/Dunelm/Dowsing & Reynolds/PA)

© Press Association 2017

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60 Best home decorating ideas of all time

September 19, 2017

Decorating or redecorating a home can be a huge feat, especially if you don't know where to start.

Between Pinterest, friends and trips to various home goods stores it's easy to want to use all the ideas under the sun. 

DE-CLUTTERING: These are the 50 things you can toss or donate and not miss afterward

However, when it comes to redoing a home the phrase "less is more" comes to mind, but that's not always the case.

Whether you're decorating your first home or your fifth, great design is in the details, and depending on the person and style, "more" isn't always a bad thing.

We've consulted top designers and scoured our archives to find the best ideas for every room in the house.

Take a look through the gallery above to see some of the 60 best decorating tips as told by experts.

Slideshow credit: Devin Alessio and Kelsey Kloss for Elle Decor.

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