CORE is an acronym that stands for carbon positive, zero waste, recyclability, and economics. As such, the home relies on passive solar design and renewable energy sources, and uses materials that can be recycled or have recycled content. Construction waste was minimized during the build process. Highlights of the compact three-bedroom design include its nine-star energy rating, superior thermal performance, water-harvesting system, and streamlined style, all constructed for just $323,000 (or $420,000 in Australian dollars).
In order to encourage affordability, the CORE design can be adapted for different energy star ratings (set by the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme in Australia) and budgets, starting at a 6-star energy rating for around $192,000 (or $250,000 AUS dollars) and topping out at a 10-star rating (price to be determined).
In keeping with their design and construction approach, Beaumont Concepts filled the home with select handmade and locally-sourced products that are composed with upcycled or recycled content.
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