PINEVILLE - The Upsilon Master Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority held a meeting and Halloween Social on Tuesday, Oct. 24, at the home of Donna Musgrave in Pineville.
Minutes of the Oct. 12 meeting were read and approved, after which reports were received from the treasurer and from the following chapter committees:
n Hostess and Program: Upsilon Master's next meeting will be hosted by Melody Cook on Nov. 16 at the Rockcastle Baptist Church in Pineville.
n Social: A Thanksgiving Social and dinner featuring culinary contributions of members will be held at the chapter's next meeting.
n Service: Members will bring hats and gloves to the next meeting for donation to the Tug River Catterson Health Center's annual mitten tree.
n Cultural: Hostess Donna Musgrave presented a program on "No-Carve Pumpkin Decorating Ideas."
Hostess gifts were won by Kathy Thompson and Mickey Pendry, and a prize for the best Halloween T-shirt was won by Teresa Blackmon.
Also in attendance were: Joyce Cook, Kathy Fox, Donna Musgrave, Dannette Parker, Mickey Pendry and Kathy Thompson.