IDAHO FALLS, Idaho - The “Better Homes and Gardens” Christmas decorations edition features the Idaho Falls home of Heidi and Brett Parson.
"We've always loved Christmas, it's just our thing,” Heidi said. For me, it creates magic. It's definitely a time to remember the meaning of the season."
Heidi is an Idaho Falls interior decorator, and Christmas decorations are one of her specialties, which she features in her popular home by Heidi blog. Last year, out of the blue she got an email from “Better Homes and Gardens” saying they wanted to feature her home in their Christmas edition. She was skeptical it was really from them.
"They had to email me and Facebook me and Instagram me and finally I'm like, 'oh my word this is real, this is legit,’” Heidi said.
So, last year she spent months decorating her home in anticipation of the photo shoot, which is always done a year in advance of the Christmas issue.
"I thought they'd come in, take a few pictures and leave, but it actually was a three day shoot, nine to five every day," Heidi said.
The magazine showed off the family and explained several of Heidi's decorating ideas. It even mentioned the Children's Christmas book Brett wrote and published last year.
And Heidi has received some excellent feedback.
"People emailing me asking questions like, ‘how did you do this? Where did I buy this?’ And some people just emailing me congratulating me and say what an honor."
It began as a family sharing a few decorating ideas on a blog, and ended up being a decorating inspiration for all the readers of a national magazine.
You can get to Heidi’s blog at